The intention of this workshop is to offer an experience of how yoga can support the process of healing trauma. Yoga offers us ways to work with presence and we will discover how to manage and support distressing bodily and psychological sensations. In this workshop we will focus on steady, grounding breath flowing movement through the body. Easing stiffness and chronic tension; to remember again the joyfulness of ease through the body.
Trauma, especially in cases of PTSD, can cause dysfunction in the perception of time, which is why I believe personally developing and returning to a safe sense of presence can be transformative in supporting and healing trauma in concert with other therapies.
Every person experiences trauma at some time in their lives. I would like to emphasise it is not necessary to ‘grade’ or compare your experience with trauma, if you feel this workshop might be helpful, you are welcome.
I also welcome friends, family and partners who are supporting someone through healing trauma. It is so easy and necessary at times, when supporting someone, to put their needs first. The effects of a loved one’s or friend’s experience with trauma can also be deeply challenging for those who support them.